Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Never Forget

Today will always be a day Americans remember. No matter how much time passes, those of us old enough to remember know exactly what we were doing and where we were when we heard the news. We remember how we were glued to the TV or radio waiting to see how this would play out. Were there more planes, where is flight 93 going? In disbelief we passed through the day, but still pulled up our bootstraps and rallied the troops. When tragedy happens in America, the true spirit of America comes out. We pray, we give, we take action where and how we need to.
Our military, policeman and fireman all daily risk their lives for us still. So thank them ,whenever you see them, for their service.
I am proud to be an American in a country founded on Biblical principles. A great experiment and exceptional country I get to call home.

Friday, August 10, 2018

So much hate

The more the left goes mad about Trump, the more I think he must be doing right.
Hate is the theme of the liberals. Their reaction to everything is hate. Criticism and violence is the action of the day. There is such a visceral hate that people have lost all common sense. Because someone disagrees with them they feel the need to attack, slander and sometimes injure those that oppose them. I don't see that kind of behavior in conservatives. Speaking for myself, I do not hate those who have different beliefs, those who wholeheartedly accept the Clinton/Obama regime and the liberal media words as truth. What I do feel is sad and somewhat dumbfounded that they cannot see the lies, hypocrisy and illogical philosophy of socialism and communism. I don't understand people embracing socialism. It has never worked and will never work. The old saying that if you tell a big enough lie often enough people will believe it to be true. That is exactly what the liberals are doing.
They have a world view that America is bad and must be taken down and reinvented. That could not be further from the truth. America is exceptional and a beacon for the world.
They don't have anything they stand on other than get rid of Trump, conservatives are bad and on and on. Whatever they accuse conservatives of is generally what they are doing. Especially when it comes to the whole Russian collusion investigation. Nothing going on with Trump, but the democrats are deeply involved with the Russians and notably Hillary was involved. They constantly accuse others of racism, when the democratic party is the party of racism throughout history and present. Actions speak louder than words.
I know there are many Americans that love America and stand by the constitution, one of the greatest documents every written, but I fear for the impact the loud left will have on people who do not educate and inform themselves of the truths.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Independence Day

Two hundred and forty-two years ago a group of men pledged their lives and fortunes to fight for independence of a new nation. Though this ground breaking document wasn't officially signed until August, today is the day that marked the beginning. America has a unique beginning and is an exceptional nation like no other. The Declaration of Independence is an amazing document, step of faith, step of defiance against tyranny, and the catalyst to this great nation.
I'm so thankful for the sacrifices made to bring about our country. Founded on Biblical principles, America is unique in it's birth and it's philosophy. There's good reason to be proud to be an American. We have been a beacon of hope in the world and the land of opportunity.
I love to see the patriotism that comes out on the Fourth of July. The songs, the flags, parades and fireworks are all part of celebration.
I'm proud of our military; the best in the world. Without them where would we be? During the fireworks I like to close my eyes and try to put myself in the mindset of battle. I listen to the booms, whistles and cracks as if it is real. What must that feel like to put your life on the line for your country? Thank you to all who do that.
America the great experiment, turned out pretty good I think. Americans, stay strong, stay true. Our constitution is worth fighting for.
I love America and I'm proud and blessed to be an American. May God truly Bless America.

Lee Greenwood
"Proud To Be An American"

If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife.
I'd thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away.

And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee,
Across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea,

From Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA,
Well, there's pride in every American heart,
And it's time we stand and say:

I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land! God bless the U.S.A.

And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up... next to you and defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

America be Safe

I've been pretty quite about all the political static of the last month or so. It's not from lack of thoughts about it, but more to keep myself from getting worked up about things I can't change. At this point, I feel like I can't keep quiet anymore.
Top on the list of frustrations...immigration. So much false information is going about and people trying to get on the moral high ground by standing on false premises. People are in a tizzy about children being "ripped" from their mother's arms. Besides the fact that is not an accurate picture, there have been separations due to illegal immigration going on since the 90's, why the outcry only now? Hypocrisy abounds. It was actually worse then.
We are a country of laws. If we don't enforce our laws we won't have a nation. The liberals want nothing short of open borders and will do and say whatever it takes to get it. We Can't have that. A country without borders is not a country. No country in the world can just let whoever and as many as want come into their country and survive. Americans who accidentally crossed a border to another country were put in prison, yet people flood into America and get free housing, schooling, welfare and the list goes on.
If a parent commits a crime they are separated from their children, it doesn't matter their color their status or the crime. There is no racism involved. No one wants to put children in jail with a parent. Crossing the border illegally IS a Crime. Kids are sent alone, kids are used by non parent adults to sneak in contraband or used for the adult to get in and then discarded. If someone is truly in need of asylum then request it and come legally. Why are these people coming from Central America coming here? They have to travel through Mexico to get here, why are they not just seeking asylum in Mexico? and why is Mexico just letting them travel through when they arrest others coming into their country and throw them in jail? Comparing this to Nazi death camps is insulting to the Jews who suffered through that. Not even close to the same issue. The only fascists I see are the liberal democrats aka socialists.
The security of our country is at stake. The evil elements are not above using children to to their dirty work. The media and the liberal element are using the children to advance their agenda. Liberal policies are an abject failure and we don't want it in America. It has No place in America.  They need to get over the fact that they lost and America doesn't want it. They are filled with such blind hatred they can't see what end is up. They think they are the majority but they are not. The media is a driving force in presenting this but in reality liberalism is a mental disorder with no connection to reality. People need to wake up and get informed with the facts, not with the media fairy tails.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Thank You

Memorial Day. For many it's just a long weekend and barbecues. We tend to loose focus on what this day stands for. So many who have come before us, gave up their lives so we could be free. The ultimate sacrifice.  To coin a phrase....the few, the proud, the brave.
I can't imagine the sacrifice those families have to deal with, first to send their loved one off, and then to not get them back. We have fought for our independence and to keep ourselves together. We have fought to rid the world of evils and protect the weak. Untold numbers over the years have served and given their all.
So today we remember those we lost and show our thanks to all they gave. We can do that by not taking our freedoms for granted, by being a good citizen in our actions and being thankful to those serving now.

Monday, March 5, 2018


The liberal agenda is alive and well. Something that strikes me is how they constantly want to separate everyone into groups. They want to pit group against group. It's getting old.
The standard should be whoever is the best rises to the top, no matter what gender or race they are.
Want to get rid of racism? Stop putting people in groups. Stop pointing out that people are different to your children. Kids don't know the difference until you tell them. If you keep teaching your children that they are a victim because of their color or they are better because of their color, or should be ashamed of their race, we won't ever get rid of hate. Stop complaining that there are not an equal number of each race in a profession. There are not an equal number of each in society. If someone is the better candidate or student they should be the one to get the job or be accepted into a college regardless of race. To punish someone who is more qualified but not the right color, couldn't be more wrong. Each race has people that is successful and affluent. Each race has people that are struggling or unsuccessful. It has less to do with race and more to do with drive and opportunity. Those that work hard can succeed no matter their race or gender. That's part of the American Dream. The Opportunity to become all you can be, Not the guarantee. Which brings me to the asinine beliefs that those who come here ILLEGALLY  are suddenly granted free healthcare, free college, basically a free ride; while many our own citizens struggle along without. If we don't respect our laws and our borders how can we be a country. We welcome those who come here through the right process. We need to stop with those who don't. It's not unreasonable to require vetting to be allowed in the country. There are plenty who want to come to America with evil intent and if our laws are not followed they will get in, and they will cause havoc. If they have nothing to hid than go through the process to come legally. The liberal socialist goal is to take down America and these are a few of the ways they are trying to do it.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Guns and Grief

School shootings are awful, evil and very traumatizing to all. No one is going to debate that. Yet there is such controversy over it when it happens. Everyone wants someone to blame. They want something concrete to be done to fix it NOW. The problem with that is the issue came on slowly and it will not be fixed quick. It's a cultural decay not an inanimate object that is the problem.
Guns are not the problem. The person who chooses evil is.  I've read several accounts of those remembering a few decades ago when kids had guns in their pick up truck or in there home and kids were not out shooting people. There was a level of respect for guns and also a respect for human life. Over time this respect has gone away, especially for human life. God was taken from the schools. Society has changed and the only way to find our way back to to reach out to God.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The gig is up

Well, it's been awhile since I've written. There is so much to say about the state of America. We keep finding out the corruption is deeper and higher than one would think possible. One of the frustrating aspects is the fact that a large segment of the population does not know the facts. All they get is a very biased and controlled version of reality. The level of deception of the previous administration and all the hold overs still stirring up trouble is crazy.  I listen to the liberal media (as little as possible) and everything they are pointing fingers at is actually what they are doing. The democrats and media together have a bad case of narcissism. Their hatred for Trump and conservative ideals blinds them to the reality of all the good things that are happening in America. Even more could be happening if they would stop making up controversies and crimes that don't exist, wasting our time and not speaking the truth.
Hopefully as the swamp is drained and more things come out they won't be able to hide behind the lies and deception that has become such a way of life. I fear they  may actually believe it. They say that if  you repeat something enough, people will believe it even if it's a bold face lie. Some of it is so far fetched it's hard to accept that a sane thinking person would believe it.
Time will tell. Hopefully truth wins out.