Well, it's been awhile since I've written. There is so much to say about the state of America. We keep finding out the corruption is deeper and higher than one would think possible. One of the frustrating aspects is the fact that a large segment of the population does not know the facts. All they get is a very biased and controlled version of reality. The level of deception of the previous administration and all the hold overs still stirring up trouble is crazy. I listen to the liberal media (as little as possible) and everything they are pointing fingers at is actually what they are doing. The democrats and media together have a bad case of narcissism. Their hatred for Trump and conservative ideals blinds them to the reality of all the good things that are happening in America. Even more could be happening if they would stop making up controversies and crimes that don't exist, wasting our time and not speaking the truth.
Hopefully as the swamp is drained and more things come out they won't be able to hide behind the lies and deception that has become such a way of life. I fear they may actually believe it. They say that if you repeat something enough, people will believe it even if it's a bold face lie. Some of it is so far fetched it's hard to accept that a sane thinking person would believe it.
Time will tell. Hopefully truth wins out.