I've been pretty quite about all the political static of the last month or so. It's not from lack of thoughts about it, but more to keep myself from getting worked up about things I can't change. At this point, I feel like I can't keep quiet anymore.
Top on the list of frustrations...immigration. So much false information is going about and people trying to get on the moral high ground by standing on false premises. People are in a tizzy about children being "ripped" from their mother's arms. Besides the fact that is not an accurate picture, there have been separations due to illegal immigration going on since the 90's, why the outcry only now? Hypocrisy abounds. It was actually worse then.
We are a country of laws. If we don't enforce our laws we won't have a nation. The liberals want nothing short of open borders and will do and say whatever it takes to get it. We Can't have that. A country without borders is not a country. No country in the world can just let whoever and as many as want come into their country and survive. Americans who accidentally crossed a border to another country were put in prison, yet people flood into America and get free housing, schooling, welfare and the list goes on.
If a parent commits a crime they are separated from their children, it doesn't matter their color their status or the crime. There is no racism involved. No one wants to put children in jail with a parent. Crossing the border illegally IS a Crime. Kids are sent alone, kids are used by non parent adults to sneak in contraband or used for the adult to get in and then discarded. If someone is truly in need of asylum then request it and come legally. Why are these people coming from Central America coming here? They have to travel through Mexico to get here, why are they not just seeking asylum in Mexico? and why is Mexico just letting them travel through when they arrest others coming into their country and throw them in jail? Comparing this to Nazi death camps is insulting to the Jews who suffered through that. Not even close to the same issue. The only fascists I see are the liberal democrats aka socialists.
The security of our country is at stake. The evil elements are not above using children to to their dirty work. The media and the liberal element are using the children to advance their agenda. Liberal policies are an abject failure and we don't want it in America. It has No place in America. They need to get over the fact that they lost and America doesn't want it. They are filled with such blind hatred they can't see what end is up. They think they are the majority but they are not. The media is a driving force in presenting this but in reality liberalism is a mental disorder with no connection to reality. People need to wake up and get informed with the facts, not with the media fairy tails.