The more the left goes mad about Trump, the more I think he must be doing right.
Hate is the theme of the liberals. Their reaction to everything is hate. Criticism and violence is the action of the day. There is such a visceral hate that people have lost all common sense. Because someone disagrees with them they feel the need to attack, slander and sometimes injure those that oppose them. I don't see that kind of behavior in conservatives. Speaking for myself, I do not hate those who have different beliefs, those who wholeheartedly accept the Clinton/Obama regime and the liberal media words as truth. What I do feel is sad and somewhat dumbfounded that they cannot see the lies, hypocrisy and illogical philosophy of socialism and communism. I don't understand people embracing socialism. It has never worked and will never work. The old saying that if you tell a big enough lie often enough people will believe it to be true. That is exactly what the liberals are doing.
They have a world view that America is bad and must be taken down and reinvented. That could not be further from the truth. America is exceptional and a beacon for the world.
They don't have anything they stand on other than get rid of Trump, conservatives are bad and on and on. Whatever they accuse conservatives of is generally what they are doing. Especially when it comes to the whole Russian collusion investigation. Nothing going on with Trump, but the democrats are deeply involved with the Russians and notably Hillary was involved. They constantly accuse others of racism, when the democratic party is the party of racism throughout history and present. Actions speak louder than words.
I know there are many Americans that love America and stand by the constitution, one of the greatest documents every written, but I fear for the impact the loud left will have on people who do not educate and inform themselves of the truths.