Sunday, August 7, 2022


 For me it’s always interesting to learn more about America. I was reading about the judicial system and learned a bit about how things were meant to function. We are taught about the 3 equal branches of government but in reality the judicial system is set up to have less power than the legislative and executive branches. They all have checks and balances, but the power of the judicial branch is limited. This is at least partly due to the fact that the people do not elect them. They are appointed.  They were not meant to have lifetime appointments or little accountability like they do today. They were able to keep their appointment based on good behavior. As stated in the constitution Article III. sec 1

“The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, “

This means they can be removed for bad behavior. Some examples of reasons judges were removed in the early days were drunkenness at home or swearing in the courtroom. Seems strange in our day but also shows the intention was not lifetime. The judges need to be accountable and in good character.  

Judicial is the weakest branch, controlled by the other two. They give opinions but cannot determine laws. It seems, functionally, today we treat the supreme court as a law maker and the final say in things. This was not the intended function nor it is best for America. The purpose of the supreme court is to give opinions on the constitutionality of the issue in question. Their rulings do not and should not determine laws. Laws can be made by congress based on a ruling but it is not a forgone conclusion of a ruling. Also, politics should not be in the equation at all. It’s not public opinion or political leanings that should determine rulings but black and white right or wrong in relation to the question, is it constitutional or not. A great book to read is “Original Intent” by David Barton. It does a great job of showing precedent and past rulings of the court which is also a picture of the intent of how the framers designed the founding documents.

In Lincoln’s day the Supreme Court basically said black people were property. Lincoln ignored that ruling and went forward to free the slaves with the 13th Ammendement. The Court’s opinion had no teeth.

The first time the Supreme Court used judicial review against congress was in 1857 claiming that blacks had no rights and were considered property. In 1820 Congress passed a law that eliminated slavery. This was part of the Missouri Compromise. Congress rightly ignored the supreme court and kept to the law passed in 1820.

In 1954 Brown v Board of Education stepped in and ended segregation. In reality it was just reversing its decision in 1882 supporting segregation. None of that was necessary because in 1875 Congress passed a law that banned segregation everywhere. Had this law been followed and enforced there would have been no need for Brown v Board of Education and they should have rightly ignored the court in 1882. It legally had no bearing.

We have a modern version of this same scenario in Roe v. Wade. The original ruling in 1973 was unconstitutional as there was nothing in the constitution giving the right to abortion. The recent 2022 ruling simply reversed that ruling because it was wrong to start. Laws are made in congress not the courts.

Somehow people have gotten the idea that the court needs to protect the minority. We accept rulings as law and force the majority to accept a minority rule. The majority actually protects the minority. The majority fought a war to free a minority-slaves. The majority voted to give voting rights to blacks. The majority voted to give voting rights to women. When the system works smaller groups are not forgotten. On the flip side some will force the minority opinions and views on everyone. When that happens society is upside down and the majority has to give up any rights and the minority rules. If you don’t get your way in the vote you just go find a judge on your side to make some ruling on that issue and force it. Seems illogical if you ask me.

I don’t know if we can get back functioning the way the founders intended but if we could it would be better for all Americans.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Time to Turn

 It’s time to change direction. It’s been a slow crawl away from America’s founding principles. We have been the proverbial fog in the pot. In many things we have gone 180 from the original intent. You can trace back over the last century the picking away of true American history and slowly removing God from our governance. Yes I said our governance. The more I study American history and I mean real American history, the more I see how important faith and Biblical principles were to the founders. 

The United States IS a Christian nation. Any rudimentary study of America's founding shows that faith was interwoven with much of what they did. Many religious leaders greatly influenced the writers of the founding documents as well as some of the founders were religious people. Much of the principles put forth in our constitution were based on teaching and morals from the Bible. Looking at the original intent as well as many rulings since shows this.The evidence can fill volumes. The congress held church services in the capital, sought counsel from religious leaders, opened congress in prayer and even paid for the first printing of the Bible in America to name just a few.

Prayer was an important part of writing the constitution. They were struggling to agree on points for the constitution. Ben Franklin, the oldest delegate, asked to address the convention. He reminded them of the Divine Protection they had witnessed in the struggle to break free from Britain. He reminded them that they had gone to prayer often during this struggle and that their prayers were answered. He said “I have lived, sir, a long time; and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?” He implored that they seek the “assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in his assembly every morning before we proceed to business..” Their discussions changed after that. They began making progress, though it was slow, the process gained new life and a new focus. They worked together to form a form of government that has stood the test of time and has been a light and a beacon to the world ever since. 

Slowly over time we have not passed on the truths and faith of our founding fathers and the true beginnings of our nation. America is truly an exceptional nation. The first of it’s kind. One where we acknowledge that our rights come from God and not the government. One where the people are in charge of what government can and cannot do not the other way around. We need to take back the education of our children. Teach them our history, the good and the bad, the truth and the principles and remove the lies, twists and omissions in the modern history books.

July 4th is a day we remember not just celebrate this great nation but to work to bring her back to that standard and keep her there.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.- Declaration of Independence

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.-Preamble to the Constitution

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Where are we going?

  America is an exceptional country. I look around and it saddens me to see what is happening to my country.  A lot of it comes from people not being educated and not understanding what America is about and what it is based on. They have been brainwashed to think that socialism is good and capitalism is bad. It will be a long battle to fix and reteach the younger generations. I don't really understand how the older generations, some of them, have bought into the socialism and communism garbage. They of all people should recognize the destructive path those ideologies lead to. 

It seems that what was once good is now bad and what was once bad is not good, in so many ways. It’s hard to combat the lies and corruption when someone’s base of information is so skewed and inaccurate to truth and reality. I know there is still so much good out there and many who know the truth and speak it. Hearing it is a problem though, when so much control is put on what we are allowed to say. Opinions and information are squelched only because the powers that be don't like it. That goes against the very fabric of American values and freedoms.  I hope America is able to overcome these attacks and remain true to her calling and foundations. We need a bit of the courage of our founders and not to give up our principles and freedom so hard fought for and won over and through the last 200 plus years.

There will always be bad people that do bad things but the Biblical principles America was founded on are the basis of what has made this country great and a beacon of freedom and values around the world.