Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Blind men walking

There is sharp division in America and the world. I think people hate Trump because he's doing something right. People hate American ideals because they are good. A spiritual battle plays out before our eyes. If I see someone vehemently opposed to something or someone good, I figure that what they are opposed to must in reality be a good thing. It goes back to--what's good is now bad and what was bad is now good.
This is bigger than any one issue, it's a world view. It's an ideology. Let's be frank. It's Satan working  and weaving into thoughts and actions to destroy what God made good.
There is no logic to the thoughts and actions of those who wish to destroy America or good things---and destroy is exactly what they want.
Deception in the media is high. The sad part is the declining education. Kids are not taught about American ideals and founding. Instead they are taught socialist ideas and to follow liberal and progressive ideologies without thinking for themselves. So when the media spews fake news and half truths so many believe those lies hook line and sinker.
Some people have good intentions but don't truly understand the successful way to go about it. Some people just have blind hate and won't even try to listen to anything beyond what they believe.
I hope we can succeed in turning the tide back to what America was meant to be.