Sunday, February 20, 2022

Where are we going?

  America is an exceptional country. I look around and it saddens me to see what is happening to my country.  A lot of it comes from people not being educated and not understanding what America is about and what it is based on. They have been brainwashed to think that socialism is good and capitalism is bad. It will be a long battle to fix and reteach the younger generations. I don't really understand how the older generations, some of them, have bought into the socialism and communism garbage. They of all people should recognize the destructive path those ideologies lead to. 

It seems that what was once good is now bad and what was once bad is not good, in so many ways. It’s hard to combat the lies and corruption when someone’s base of information is so skewed and inaccurate to truth and reality. I know there is still so much good out there and many who know the truth and speak it. Hearing it is a problem though, when so much control is put on what we are allowed to say. Opinions and information are squelched only because the powers that be don't like it. That goes against the very fabric of American values and freedoms.  I hope America is able to overcome these attacks and remain true to her calling and foundations. We need a bit of the courage of our founders and not to give up our principles and freedom so hard fought for and won over and through the last 200 plus years.

There will always be bad people that do bad things but the Biblical principles America was founded on are the basis of what has made this country great and a beacon of freedom and values around the world.

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