Friday, October 27, 2017


Politics is an ugly word. It reflects in a picture how messed up our society has become. Liberals have lost their minds. There is no more common sense or morality in those that lead and represent and report the news. I know there is dishonesty in politics all the time, but the level it has reached in this era is mind boggling. Outright lies, made up stories, deep deep deception and schemes.
Watch the liberals closely, (and I mean the ones who are basically socialist, think America is bad and needs to be taken down) many times what they blame and point fingers about to others is exactly what they are doing. I see it again and again. Just like with all this Russian collusion accusations. They have been trying for over a year to pin something on Trump with that and have found Nothing. All the while knowing that is was them who were colluding with the Russians. And to find out now that the so called dossier was paid for and directed by hillary and the gang.(which anyone with half a brain has known for a long time) Back in the news again too is the whole uranium sale to Russia, which I knew was shady back then and we find out now how truly corrupt at the highest levels that was. There is no reason whatsoever to ever sell uranium to Russia.
I'm so tired of all the corruption and nothing ever happens to the guilty parties.
There is so much hypocrisy on the left it's almost laughable how brazen they are if it wasn't so sad what they are doing to the country.
I can hardly stand to hear any news because the crap just keeps coming. Thank goodness for conservative radio to weed through the lies and garbage and let us know what's really going on and all the good things that Trump is doing. We know the main stream faux media/ news reporters will never tell us that.

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